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Home-School Agreement


The School will:

  1. Encourage children to do their best at all times by providing a balanced curriculum and meeting the needs of all children.
  2. Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them, by building good relationships both within and outside the school.
  3. Care for your children’s safety and happiness and act in accordance with our Safeguarding policy.
  4. Arrange Parents’ Consultations to discuss progress.
  5. Let parents know if the school has any concerns about their child’s behaviour and work.
  6. Keep Parents informed about school activities through letters home, newsletters, notices about special events via ParentPay and the school website.

As a parent I will:

  1. Make sure my child arrives on time for School.
  2. Make sure my child attends School each day or inform the School if my child is absent for any reason.
  3. Attend Parent consultations to discuss my child’s progress.
  4. Support and reinforce the School’s policy for behaviour: Be safe, be ready, be respectful.
  5. Support my child in their learning both in school and at home by reading at least four times a week.
  6. Ensure my child has the correct equipment and clothing, which is all clearly named.
  7. Let the School know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  8. Get to know about my child’s life at School.
  9. Bring any concerns to school staff directly rather than use social media.
  10. Ensure payments for school dinners and trips are paid on time.

As a pupil I will:

  1. Attend School each day and arrive on time.
  2. Always try to achieve my best.
  3. Be a kind, helpful, friendly and responsible member of the school.
  4. Be ready, be respectful and be safe.
  5.  Care for the equipment and the school building.
  6. Do as I have been asked and set good examples to others.
  7. Show 'wonderful walking' and 'lovely lines' at all times.