Design and Technology
Week 3 and 4 - Finding out about food
Reception and Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
This challenge is all about food, finding out about where our food comes from, what makes a healthy diet and how food production affects our environment globally. The writing challenges are now highlighted in the green boxes. Remember to share your work with your teacher through your class email.
Reception and Key Stage 1
Growing and Harvesting
Watch the video about growing and harvesting
Espresso - Growing and Harvesting
If you do not have your Espresso login you can e mail the school office at and a member of the team will reply to you.
Growing challenge
Can you grow your own fruit or vegetable? These may be ready to harvest in September, you could bring your home grown food to school to show us. I am growing pumpkins for Halloween, I got the seeds and compost from the supermarket and I used some pots I already had.
Ingredients challenge
With a grown-up, look in the kitchen. Can you find a food with wheat in it? Can you find a food with potato in it? Can you find a food with tomatoes in it? Can you find a food with milk in it?
Exploring food
Watch the video clips in Exploring Food
Can you remember the ingredients needed to make bread? If not watch again and try to remember them all.
Can you have a go at making bread? Find a recipe and have a go. You will need to read the list of ingredients carefully and then the method which tells you what to do step by step. Notice the change the yeast makes to the dough once it has been left to prove. Take a photo of your finished rolls and email it to your class email address.
Good enough to eat
Watch the video clips in Good enough to eat
After watching the clips can you have a go at planning and making lunch for your family? There are lots of recipe ideas on the link below.
Espresso - Healthy eating recipes
Make sure that you choose some healthy foods including fruit or vegetables. You will need to clear up after lunch too! What did your family think of the lunch you made them?
Key Stage 2
Food and the Environment
Watch the video Food and the environment
Espresso - Food and the environment
Now complete the activity to see what you can remember.
Print out this table, or draw your own table and be a food detective. Can you find more foods to fill in all the spaces on the table? Did anything you found out about the food in your kitchen surprise you? I found out that lots of the foods in my fridge were packaged in the UK but I wonder which country the ingredients originally came from. For example, my ketchup was made in the UK but I don’t know where the tomatoes and sugar in it were grown.
Designing a Menu
Thinking about where food comes from can you design a healthy menu for your family for one day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner? Try to use produce that has come from the UK, is that possible? If you need some recipe ideas have a look here. Remember as well as making and eating your food you also have to clear up! Make sure you remember healthy drinks to go with your meals and keep you hydrated.
Watch this video about baking bread.
BBC Bitesize - The bread-making process
Now find your own recipe for making your favourite type of bread and have a go? Here are a few ideas, you could make a wholemeal loaf, a cottage loaf, a granary loaf, bread rolls, pitta bread or brioche. I find Nigella Lawson’s bread recipes easy to follow. When you have made your bread, before you eat it all, take a photo and share it with us on your class email.