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Remote and Home Learning

We are aware that many families may be struggling with access to devices for remote learning and that there may be challenges with siblings sharing devices. As you may already have seen on social media, X-Box and PlayStation consoles have the functionality to access the internet and be used in a similar way to desktop / laptop computers. This offers an alternative way to access Teams.


Plug in a keyboard and mouse (if preferred) into the USB slots.

Within "Applications" select Microsoft Edge internet browser.


Plug in a keyboard and mouse (if preferred) into the USB slots.

Identify the PlayStation internet browser icon (WWW with dots around it)

Press the PlayStation logo on the controller.

Go to the library.

The internet browser is located within "Applications".

Once the browser is opened, it can be used like any other internet browser. This includes navigating to online learning resources, or communications tools like Teams.

The browser on both consoles can be used like any other menu or game: navigated around by using the joystick, clicking links with the A button, and typing in text by using the on-screen keyboard. Both consoles become much more useful when a keyboard or mouse is plugged into the console, at which point they’re almost indistinguishable from any other computer. Recent PlayStations and Xboxes both have USB ports that should be able to take any keyboard that would plug into a more traditional computer and can be bought relatively cheaply.

Home Learning Policy

What is this plan for?

This plan sets out how we will adjust our curriculum response to various levels of lockdown caused by a pandemic. It will set out the curriculum offer if one child is away from school (tier 1), a class is away from school (tier 2) or the school goes into a local lockdown (tier 3). Please see Appendix 1.

The vision for this plan

At Becket Primary we want all pupils to be able to access their curriculum if they are unable to attend school for any reason (except illness). The children in KS1 will have sufficient work to account for 3 hours work per day, and KS2 pupils will have four hours work per day, which will be a mixture of live sessions, video links, online assignments, written tasks, and use of familiar platforms such as TT rockstars and spelling shed.

When is this plan implemented?

The plan will be implemented at different levels according to local conditions. Each of the following will have a specific letter to be sent to parents: See Appendix 2.

Individual 1: most children in school but individuals absent

Class/Bubble 2: Individual class(es) working from home

Whole school 3: Lockdown: most children working at home.

How is the plan implemented?

Teaching and learning

All pupils will have access to high-quality education when remote working. The children at home and those in school will access the same work in the same way.

Reception pupils will use Tapestry to access teacher videos and work.

Years 1-6 will use Teams to access live lessons twice a day, to use for assignments that have been set by the class teacher and return work for the teacher to offer feedback.

Year group emails for all year groups are established so that parents have a communication channel with the teacher, and will be used for sending work into school, e.g. photographing a page from the children’s work books.

The school will use a range of teaching methods to cater for all different learning styles. This includes:

  • comprehension, quizzes, online materials, videos, games, questioning and response

Teachers will ensure lessons are inclusive for all pupils and can be adapted to account for the needs of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.

When teaching pupils who are working remotely, teachers will:

  • Set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day.
  • Deliver a planned, coherent and well-sequenced curriculum, which allows skills to be built incrementally.
  • Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content through high-quality curriculum resources, including through educational videos – including use of White Rose Maths.
  • Assess progress by using questions and other suitable tasks and be clear on how regularly work will be checked.
  • Adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.
  • Plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, ideally including daily contact with teachers.

All provisions for remote learning will be appropriate to the class group’s age, ability. Any SEND pupils working at a different level to their peers will be set individual work as suited to their needs.

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. In order to support pupils we:

  • provide laptops to families on a priority basis
  • apply to have mobile data extended (provide SIM Cards) where applicable. We will apply for 4G routers from the Government if available.
  • Printed materials and exercise books can be provided if no IT access is possible.
  • Work completed on paper can be photographed on a Smartphone and emailed to staff using a dedicated email address.
  • Videos can be viewed on a Smartphone.


In exceptional circumstances, the school may reduce its curriculum offering, to enable pupils to cope with the workload – the Senior Leadership Team will assess this need, keeping pupils’ best interests in mind, and will not take the decision lightly.

Teachers will continue to make use of formative assessments throughout the academic year, e.g. quizzes.

Our approach to Home learning

In the event of a pupil, class or the school having to isolate, pupils will be sent home with:

  • Appropriate letter explaining what is happening- See Appendices 2-6.
  • Project book to record their learning in
  • A timetable of learning to help to organise the day
  • A list of their logins to appropriate online learning platforms e.g. Spelling Shed; TTRS, e-bug.

The Headteachers will:

  • Ensure those families entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with food or vouchers
  • Ensure the home learning tasks set are to a high standard in line with year group expectations
  • Ask staff to monitor the phone logs to ensure families are called regularly and any issues are followed up
  • Ask staff to monitor and feedback the engagement of pupils learning
  • Ask staff to communicate regularly with families through emails and phone calls
  • Meet weekly with staff to address any positives and next steps (this could be in person or through virtual media)
  • Respond to parents’ queries and concerns
  • Ensure the day to day running of ‘remote’ education and the learning and safety of those on site (Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils)

Class Teachers will:

  • Follow their usual planning for all subjects as much as possible.
  • Provide opportunities to ensure children understand their learning tasks, Teams sessions
  • Feedback to pupils on their uploaded learning
  • Provide a teams session for pupils having difficulties, to ask questions daily.
  • Share a story time video each day – this maybe in the form of a recorded book on Teams.
  • Speak with all pupils on at least a weekly basis, either through remote live teaching or phone calls
  • Monitor the daily engagement of pupils and contact the families of those not engaging to offer support
  • Log any safeguarding concerns by immediately and email or telephoning the DSL or Deputy DSL.

Teaching Assistants will:

  • Support the learning of pupils they usually work with
  • Support the class teacher(s) they usually work with
  • Share the weekly phone calls with the class teacher to pupils to check on their learning and well-being
  • Log any safeguarding concerns by immediately emailing or telephoning the DSL or Deputy DSL

Safeguarding Team will:

  • Call identified families regularly to offer support and check on children’s well-being
  • Liaise with outside agencies, including the Police as appropriate to need
  • Take part in remote meetings as appropriate to need
  • Follow up any concerns promptly

Pupils will (with parental help if necessary):

  • Log on to the appropriate Teams sessions every day.
  • Watch all of the learning videos, taking a full and active part in them
  • Complete the learning set by their teacher each day and upload their learning as requested by the teacher – photograph/video
  • Watch their story time each day
  • Use on line resources such as TTRS and Spelling Shed

Parents will:

  • Set a clear routine with each child using the timetable and the daily learning set
  • Ensure their child has a suitable place to work without distractions
  • Support their children to complete all of their learning
  • Read all communications that come out to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news
  • Liaise with school staff and seek support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via email.
  • Ensure courtesy and politeness to any member of staff within any communication
  • Provide access to the learning offered for their children
  • Support their children by emailing the teacher pictures of completed work for assessment and feedback
  • Liaise with school staff to communicate how well their child(ren) attempt the work set

Key Worker & Vulnerable Children:

If it is appropriate to be open to Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils, they will be placed into ‘bubbles’.

They will complete all home learning set by their class teachers in class or via electronic devices as needed.

How do we measure success with this plan?

The most successful strategy would be that this plan does not need to be implemented. However, if it is utilised it will be successful if all pupils can access the curriculum they would have been offered and engaged with in school. We want the majority of our pupils to engage with as much of the curriculum offer as possible to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum. As a minimum, we would want pupils to complete the maths and English aspects of the work. We would want parents/carers to be able to access support from staff if they have difficulties in supporting their children.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Policy written: September 2020

Policy review: January 2021. This is a dynamic policy that will be reviewed regularly.


Ratified by the Local Governing Body and signed by chair or vice-chair:

Becket Primary School

 Appendix 1: Provision for Learning from Home during Pandemics

Individual 1: Most children in school. Individuals working from home

· Teachers will be sharing planning resources with links on the class website page.

· Where possible, this work will be, supported by videos, possibly from Oak Academy or the teachers’ power points.

· School devices distributed to families that need them (subject to availability)

· If no devices are available – home learning pack provided by class teacher in line with in class content.

Teachers can feedback weekly to children via the email system to support them while working from home.

Class/Bubble 2: A class is working from Home

· Teachers will be sharing planning resources with links on the class website page.

· Where possible, this work will be, supported by videos, possibly from Oak Academy or the teachers’ power points.

· School devices distributed to families that need them (subject to availability)

· If no devices are available – home learning pack provided by class teacher in line with in class content.

Subject to circumstances of the health of the Teacher/TA:

· Daily welcome/register for children to join Teams to explain the day’s content (8:45am)

· An English lesson will be introduced live for each day (9:00 am-9:30am)

· Children wanting answers to questions from the mornings learning can re-join for any questions from the children to be answered. (2:00pm)

· Class Teachers offer recorded story session to be broadcast at your convenience. Some lessons which need teacher input may be recorded on occasion.

· TA/LSA to offer 1:1 reading or guided reading through screen sharing,

· TA/LSA to offer grouped phonics lessons

If class teacher and TA is unwell or unable to offer support during the day

  • T/TAs from remaining classes to offer some feedback and contact to children working at home when possible.

Whole School 3: Lockdown- Most Children working from Home. Keyworker children in school

· Teachers will be sharing planning resources with links on the class website page.

· Where possible, this work will be, supported by videos, possibly from Oak Academy or the teachers’ power points.

· School devices distributed to families that need them (subject to availability)

· If no devices are available – home learning pack provided by class teacher in line with in class content.

Subject to circumstances of the health of the Teacher/TA:

· Daily welcome/register for children to join Teams to explain the day’s content

· Input for English lesson.

· Children wanting answers to questions from the mornings learning can re-join for any questions from the children to be answered. (Y1/2 at 1:30-2:00, Y3/4 at 2:00-2:30, Y5/6 at 2:30-3:00pm)

· Class Teachers offer recorded story session to be broadcast at your convenience. Some lessons which need teacher input may be recorded on occasion.

· TA/LSA to offer 1:1 reading or guided reading through screen sharing,

· TA/LSA to offer grouped phonics lessons