Curriculum Information
Early Years Foundation Stage
This is the same curriculum that your child followed in preschool and we deliver it in much the same way, it is......
- Statutory, we have to teach it
- A play based curriculum
- Child led activities and projects
- Indoor and outdoor, which are equally important environments
At Becket we teach this through...
In the moment planning
- Plan immediately in response to the children’s interests and next steps in learning
- Adults identify teachable moments where we can have immediate and positive impact on learning
- Adults capture and record teachable moments and observations of children learning onto learning boards, which are displayed in the classroom. Children are proud and value their learning boards.
- Learning is always fun and engaging for the child. It is purposeful and real.
- In Reception class, in the moment planning is balanced along with daily phonics and maths bursts to develop children’s literacy and maths skills
Communication and Language development
- Language rich environment
- Helicopter stories
- Makaton trained staff
- Parent and child workshops
Our Learning Environment
- Purposefully designed spaces for children to grow and learn
- Natural materials
- Real life objects and resources which excite and engage children
- Indoor and outdoor learning
A few sums!.....
School + Parents working together = Happy Children
Happy Children = Confident Learners